We regularly update our newsletter section with new and interesting items related to UV disinfection and water treatment in general.
Topics covered include new system announcements, consumer concerns, market opportunities and more.
If you have an idea that you would like to see covered in our newsletter section please contact us with details.
Posted on March 24, 2020
Hello to all of our customers, friends, dealers and distributors worldwide. We hope that everyone is managing to stay positive and healthy in the current upsetting environment relating to COVID-19.
Read MorePosted on March 18, 2020
Wyckomar continues to closely monitor the latest developments in the COVID-19 news both locally and worldwide. While the situation is changing rapidly we currently do not have any problems shipping in-stock products to our customers.
Read MorePosted on February 11, 2020
We have been getting questions about coronavirus in relation to drinking water and have therefore produced this short information piece. Until recently we had not heard anything of the potential of the coronavirus to be carried in water pipes and through the water systems in buildings.
Read MorePosted on January 27, 2020
Sleek Touch-Screen Display Puts Full Control at Your Fingertips. Wyckomar is pleased to introduce our new Digital UV Monitoring System that offers users an excellent visual display of their UV system performance. This UVM will be perfect for many commercial and industrial UV applications that require the best in monitoring capabilities.
Read MorePosted on August 29, 2019
The UV-5007 system offers commercial applications and industrial users the opportunity to disinfect process water at high volumes and/or extreme UV-Doses for a wide variety of applications without using any chemical disinfectants whatsoever.
Read MorePosted on June 17, 2019
At Wyckomar we are always trying to provide simple water treatment solutions that are efficient and cost effective. Our UV systems have been a success in the drinking water disinfection industry for many years and new designs and applications are always being considered. Based on discussions with customers over the years we are now offering many different configurations of our "workhorse" model UV-5007 model UV-5007.
Read MorePosted on May 21, 2019
We often get questions regarding the UV Dose and how it should be used to help determine a properly sized UV disinfection system for any water treatment application. This article aims to help explain the concept of UV Dose and how to use it.
Read MorePosted on July 31, 2018
We would like to introduce you to the re-modelled MD-1006 Water Treatment Panel System from Wyckomar.... this system has it all! We have designed the MD-1006 to be sleek and distinctive looking, and to provide a simple-to-install and easy-to-use complete water treatment system for residential, commercial and professional applications.
Read MorePosted on April 27, 2018
Pathogen Profile - Cryptosporidium, Giardia
This newsletter is offered as an update on some of the more common water borne contaminants in rural and back-country locations, or more generally, in cottage country.
We are focused on two pathogens in this issue because they are both relatively common and they are similar in their nature and in the illness that they can cause. The bad-boys of this issue are Cryptosporidium parvum (commonly referred to as “Crypto”) and Giardia lamblia (commonly called “beaver fever”).
February 12, 2018
Wyckomar is |
It's true.
Wyckomar turns 40 years old in 2018 and we are proud to be a part of the UV manufacturing industry for most of that time. Early Days In the early days of UV development, Gerry Ottema and his son Ken designed and built UV systems using ABS pipe, helping to launch a wave of UV adoption for small systems over the next decades. As more and larger systems were developed over time, stainless steel chambers became the industry norm and Wyckomar developed standard UV disinfection systems for small and large applications alike. Over the years Wyckomar has developed a niche business in custom UV fabrication for very specific projects and water quality needs. The custom side of the business deals in "one-off" designs for specific jobs and many of these designs have been modified to be applicable to more typical water disinfection applications including sanitary systems used in the food processing industry. Water Treatment in this Day and Age Today, under the same family ownership, Wyckomar continues to make our standard line of residential and commercial UV systems which are sold in many locations around the world. New models of UV systems such as solar-powered UV, and new ideas for control systems are being incorporated into our product line. At the same time we are also developing new models of complete water treatment systems that incorporate several water treatment technologies into a convenient all-in-one type system that can address not only pathogenic contaminants in drinking water, but many other water quality issues as well. Customer Oriented The team at Wyckomar would like to thank it's many customers around the globe, some who have been with us for decades, for their continued support. Forty years is a long time for any type of business and we are pleased that we have been able to help so many people over the years to obtain safe drinking water, free of disease-causing pathogens. What's in the name Wyckomar? Over the years, many people have asked about the origin of the company name. The name is drawn from Gerry Ottema's Dutch background. Born in Holland, Gerry created the name Wyckomar using a combination of Dutch words referring to his home town and the many beautiful natural streams and rivers where he grew up... now you know! The future is very bright for UV water treatment and we look forward to being a part of the industry growth in the future. |
Wyckomar UV Purification Systems | 111 Malcolm Road | Guelph, ON, Canada N1K 1A8 Phone: (519) 822-1886 | Fax: (519) 763-6580 | sales@wyckomaruv.com | www.wyckomaruv.com |
Pathogen Profile -
March 23, 2017 Escherichia coli commonly called E. coli refers to a group of bacteria that is typically found in the intestines of humans and animals. It's important to know that many strains are harmless but some, such as E. coli 0157:H7 can make people and animals extremely ill and every year many thousands of people worlwide are sickened (or worse) by E. coli bacteria of this strain. The bacteria is named for it's founder, a German pediatrician. There are many ways that humans can come into contact with E. coli and generally the risk is easily mitigated by using common sense hygiene and proper food cooking techniques. The risk of E. coli in drinking water is a real one and must be taken seriously especially by those using ground water or well water as their source of drinking water. Food contamination typically occurs when beef and other meats are undercooked or when fruits and vegetables are not washed properly before consumption. E.coli contamination can pass easily from human to human and again this risk can be greatly mitigated by proper hand washing and other basic hygiene techniques. E. coli in drinking water cannot be seen or easily otherwise detected. A home or lab test is typically used initially to detect coliform (an indicator bacteria for sanitary quality of water) which if detected usually means that other pathogens including E. coli are probably present. Diseases caused by pathogens which may possibly be present in water that tests positive for coliform may include cholera, typhoid fever, hepatitis, diarrhea, giardiasis and others. The acceptable maximum count for E. coli in your drinking water is ZERO. If your water test indicates any coliform contamination then you must take immediate steps to solve to problem. Common solutions for disinfecting drinking water are the application of chemical disinfectants such as chlorine and the application of UV light which is a non-chemical method to kill bacteria and viruses in water. Using UV light to kill all bacteria in the water supply is a highly effective and very cost-efficient method of protecting your drinking water on a 24/7 basis and it's easily accomplished without the risk of chemical overdose or the need to handle and store dangerous chemicals at home. |
Wyckomar UV Purification Systems | 111 Malcolm Road | Guelph, ON, Canada N1K 1A8 Phone: (519) 822-1886 | Fax: (519) 763-6580 | sales@wyckomaruv.com | www.wyckomaruv.com |
Pathogen Profile -
March 9, 2017 Most of us in the UV industry spend a lot of our time talking with customers about the common contaminants found in raw drinking water ... mostly this involves discussions about E.coli and Coliform as these are the two most common indicators of unsafe drinking water. In this newsletter we are drawing attention to a less common pathogen but one that is found in many tropical and subtropical regions - and occasionally in more temperate climates too. The bacteria under discussion today is called Leptospira interrogans. This bacteria is the cause of the zoonotic disease known as leptospirosis which as noted is more common in tropical and subtropical regions. Typically the bacteria is spread by animals that excrete the bacteria in urine and contaminate the surrounding soil and ground waters. This bacteria prefers warm and moist climates and can survive in the environment for months or even years. Contaminated water is the most common vector for human infection. At risk populations include trappers, hunters and people living in rural areas including farmers and others. Outdoor activities including swimming and fishing may also increase the risk of contacting contaminated soil or water. Non-vaccinated pets may also carry the disease to human populations. Consider that many homeowners, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions, often use a cistern for water storage. The cistern becomes the point of contamination when animals gain access to the cistern and excrete the bacteria into the water supply. This highlights the need for secure covers and access panels on all cisterns and water tanks of any type. The UV Dose required to kill and inactivate Leptospira interrogans is very simple to achieve with a Wyckomar UV Disinfection system. A UV Dose of 6 mJ/cm2 will provide a 99.9% (3 log) kill rate and any model of Wyckomar UV disinfection system will provide much more UV than required for this target bacteria. It's important to note that besides consuming the contaminated water, infection with this bacterium can happen with simple contact of contaminated water (through cuts on the skin etc). It's therefore recommended to install a whole-house UV disinfection system to ensure all water in the home is safe including drinking water plus bathing (showering) and laundry (utility) water.
The Wyckomar Sales Team |
Wyckomar UV Purification Systems | 111 Malcolm Road | Guelph, ON, Canada N1K 1A8 Phone: (519) 822-1886 | Fax: (519) 763-6580 | sales@wyckomaruv.com | www.wyckomaruv.com |
UV-5007 High-Volume
The UV-5007 System is a compact and efficient use of floor space, and can be modified and customized to suit your specific requirements. The system is designed in a modular fashion to allow additional modules to be easily attached for greater flow rates and/or greater UV-Dose requirements. Wyckomar has been building UV disinfection systems since 1978, with installations around the world representing an impressive array of industry types and application requirements including food manufacturing and processing, beverage manufacturing and packaging, alcohol manufacturing and bottling, pool and pond disinfection and many more. The large volume capability of the UV-5007 means that your process water is protected from all manner of disease-causing pathogens including bacterial, viral and cysts, instantly, and in real-time without the need for bulky and expensive holding tanks and chemical disinfectants. A single UV-5007 unit can provide an industry-standard UV-Dose of 40mJ/cm2 at a flow rate of more than 1400 LPM (370 GPM or 84 m3/hr) assuming 95% T water quality. Some manufacturers require extreme UV-Dose applications for compliance, regulatory or other reasons and the UV-5007 is the right choice for these applications as well, providing up to 200 mJ/cm2 at flow rates of 300 LPM (80 GPM or 18 m3/hr assuming 95% T water). Of course the system may be configured any way you need, and any UV-Dose is possible to match your requirements. UV Dose calculations are based on several factors including water quality and flow rate and every installation is unique. Contact us for specific UV Dose data for your disinfection requirements.
The Wyckomar Sales Team |
Summary of Markets for the UV-5007 - Use it in almost any disinfection application including:
Wyckomar UV Purification Systems | 111 Malcolm Road | Guelph, ON, Canada N1K 1A8 Phone: (519) 822-1886 | Fax: (519) 763-6580 | sales@wyckomaruv.com | www.wyckomaruv.com |
January 27, 2017 The turning of a new year is a great time to review some (often neglected) market opportunities for UV water treatment systems. Remember that UV disinfection technology is an ideal component of almost any type of water treatment system including RO and custom filtration systems. UV ticks all the appropriate boxes:
The Solar-Tote from Wyckomar is the portable water treatment solution for remote and off-the-grid applications including emergency preparedness. How many people do you know who are interested in preparing themselves for some measure of self-sufficiency? The great thing about the Solar-Tote is that it is more than just a solar-powered water treatment system, it's also a complete power centre offering the ability to operate a wide range of electrical devices without relying on the power grid. Compact, extremely adaptable and rugged, the Solar-Tote offers unlimited scope to develop new market opportunities for your business. The BlackGuard WTS is our latest product offering and it is getting a lot of interest in specific markets such as those with heavy metals contamination in the drinking water supply. We have designed the BlackGuard WTS system to be quite versatile in that it will provide 2 stages of water treatment meaning that Stage 1 water can be used as general utility water and Stage 2 water can be used as drinking water. In this case Stage 2 water has additional processing for the removal of heavy metals etc. Look to introduce the BlackGuard WTS in markets with specific water treatment requirements (such as heavy metals contamination). This market can be surprisingly large and may include municipalities, trailer parks, commercial outlets using well water, houseboats and other watercraft plus many others. Uniquely efficient, the BlackGuard WTS can offer an excellent over-all water treatment system for many applications and will be specifically well-received in regions with heavy metals and other dissolved contaminants in the water supply.
The Wyckomar Sales Team |
Wyckomar UV Purification Systems | 111 Malcolm Road | Guelph, ON, Canada N1K 1A8 Phone: (519) 822-1886 | Fax: (519) 763-6580 | sales@wyckomaruv.com | www.wyckomaruv.com |