This blog is intended as a central repository for information on drinking water quality issues. The quality of drinking water is affected by many factors and we will address these in current and future articles here.
We encourage our readers to learn as much as possible about water quality issues because there are few other things that affect us all as personally as clean drinking water.
Finally, we will be posting articles about "In The News" water quality issues as these are becoming more prevalent everyday and we will attempt to answer some of the most pressing questions about the quality of drinking water in your home.
Posted on September 8, 2013
The most common question we get is how to properly size a UV system for the intended use.
As a quick review, consumers need UV in the home to ensure that all the water in the home is clean and safe from disease causing pathogens such as E.coli, Influenza, Cryptosporidium and many other bacterial and viral contaminants. To select the proper size of UV you have several options and considerations
Read MorePosted on April 20, 2014
There are many technologies available to filter your drinking water at home. Some of the more popular methods include cartridge filters both for whole-house and those that mount on-the-faucet, water softeners, reverse osmosis (RO) systems and ultraviolet (UV) systems. This article offers a brief discussion of the differences between the technologies
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Posted on October 12, 2014
Many of us like to get away to the cottage as much as possible. The soothing sounds of nature offers a wonderful respite from our daily stress and our regular routine. Owning a cottage (or camp) is becoming more popular every day, and the prices of lakefront cottage properties seems to confirm that. In the rush-to-relax at the cottage, often little or no thought goes into the quality of the drinking water supplied to the building.
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Posted on August 28, 2015
Legionella sp. bacteria is a disease-causing pathogen that is responsible for the vast majority of cases known as "Legionnaires Disease".
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Posted on January 18, 2019
Many people have taken up the task of collecting rainwater either as an adjunct to a traditional water supply or as a necessity for providing adequate drinking water in rural and remote areas. Even urban consumers are actively harvesting rainwater from rooftops in order to help reduce the cost of municipally supplied drinking water to the home.
The challenge of course is to make sure that the harvested rainwater is safe to consume.