Model UV-3000 Ultra Violet Sterilizer

picture of the Wyckomar UV3000 Sterilizer


The UV-3000 is a robust, high quality ultra-violet sterilizer that offers very efficient treatment at a low cost per unit volume. Typically installed at the point of entry, it can treat municipal water as well as ground water from drilled or dug wells, or surface water from lakes, ponds or rivers (pre-filtration necessary). This sterilizer is perfectly sized to provide drinking water or purified process water for large houses and mansions, as well as for commercial and light industrial applications.

The UV-3000 sterilizer will purify the water from most common contaminants. Bacterial, viral and other pathogens are inactivated by a high intensity UV dose that kills harmful microorganisms such as E. coli and Giardia at a 99.99% kill rate.

  • Flow Range: 27.6 - 66 GPM / 105 - 250 LPM

  • Chamber Material: 316L SS

  • UV Dose (95% UVT):
    16 mJ/cm2 at 66 GPM / 250 LPM,
    30 mJ/cm2 at 35.7 GPM / 135 LPM,
    40 mJ/cm2 at 27.8 GPM / 105 LPM

  • Monitoring System: Optional

  • Electronic Ballast w/ Operation Count: 4-BE800-14/30-ECO

  • UV Replacement Lamp: RL-100/1197T6

  • Replacement Quartz Dome: RQD-1190

  • Plumbing: 1-1/2" MNPT In/Out (40 mm BSP optional)

More info (Specifications Sheet, Technical Drawing, Technology Overview) can be downloaded here

specs icon Spec Sheet   drawings icon Tech Drawing   description icon UV Technology Info  

Pathogens that are inactivated by this UV sterilizer:
Anthrax, Chlorella, Clostridium, Coxsackie, Cryptosporidium parvum, E. coli, Giardia lamblia, Hepatitis, Influenza, Legionella, Listeria, Micrococcus, Paramecium, Polio, Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Shigella, Streptococcus, Toxoplasma, Vibrio cholerae
and many more. (See comprehensive UV Inactivation Chart)