The current pandemic has made us all more cautious in our daily routine. We are much more conscious of the need for disinfecting surfaces so virus particles cannot remain viable for very long. The concept of disinfection must also be extended to other common areas of our lives such as the water we drink and the air we breathe.
The purpose of this short article is not to instill fear but to help you better understand that disinfection must become a common part of our everyday routines for the foreseeable future. Virus particles are invisible and basically undetectable in our daily environment – time to take steps to increase your protection levels.
Fortunately it is very simple to be pro-active and provide your family with the equipment needed to provide pathogen-free drinking water throughout the entire home… and now it is also simple to install a dedicated UV Air Purification system in your home too. Both of these technologies are easy to acquire, install and maintain. In fact UV systems basically operate unattended 24/7 to provide that peace-of-mind we are all searching for in the current confusing situation.
All pathogens, viral or bacterial are impacted by germicidal application. Chemical sprays are the most common forms that we all have in our kitchen cupboards. On the other hand, UV disinfection uses light at a specific frequency to kill these pathogens and this makes it incredibly convenient to use.

UV is a very effective killer of bacteria and virus both in water and in the air. The simplicity of UV is that it is completely chemical-free and it operates unattended all the time. Pathogens are highly susceptible to UV rays and UV systems are designed to provide the most efficient UV Dose to any given application including both water and air purification.
There are lots of ways you can help protect yourself and your family in our current pandemic-filled world….. UV Disinfection is one of the best.