The Water Blog Frequently Asked Questions about Wyckomar UV Systems #7

Is My Water Safe?

Posted on September 24, 2018

blogimage Safe Water

Drinking water can be sourced from many different locations so it's important to know where your water comes from in the first place.

Is it well water?
Is it provided by the municipality? (government or local authority)
Is it from a pond/lake or a river?
Is it collected rainwater?

Sources of Drinking Water

Different sources can offer different levels of risk to your drinking water quality.

Water Sources
City Water Schematic Drawing

While most municipal water is safe to consume there is no guarantee of that, and boil water orders are common in some locations.

Water sources including lakes, streams, rivers and ponds can be source of water contamination and water treatment systems must be carefully thought out to ensure safe drinking water quality.

Surface Water Schematic Drawing

Ground Water Schematic Drawing

Wells have their own risk profile based mostly on local topography and industrial/agricultural activity, they should be tested regularly for contaminants.

Water Testing

The best way to determine if your water is safe to consume is to have it tested at an approved lab. Testing for E.coli and coliform is a standard safeguard against unsafe water, while additional tests can be done to reveal other contaminants or potential pathogens.
Many municipalities offer free testing for disease-causing pathogens including E.coli. Contact your local government agency for details.

Water Testing

Testing for Other Contaminants

Further testing for many common contaminants can be done at local laboratories. Water Testing examples
Most contaminants have a maximum WHO Standard so when you get the results back you know exactly what is in your water.

Water Testing Results

If Your Test Returns with Counts

The next logical question is what do I do if my water is not safe?
The answer to this question is simple... take immediate action!
If the water test comes back as unsafe, in the vast majority of cases it is because the test revealed the presence of E.coli or coliform bacteria. These pathogens can cause illness and worse, and must be dealt with immediately. The safe level of E.coli or coliform in your water test is ZERO.

If you have any count of bacteria in your water, call us straight away.

Some Bacteria

Ensure Safe Drinking Water

The best way to ensure safe drinking water, and to achieve a ZERO bacteria count on your water test is to install a Wyckomar UV Water Purification System to treat every drop of water in your home. Ultraviolet light is the chemical-free way to kill bacteria and virus in your water supply and to ensure your water is free of disease-causing pathogens.

UV700 System

Wyckomar has been making UV water treatment systems in Canada since 1978 and we offer a selection of sizes to suit any need and any budget. Visit our website or contact us by email, we can answer all of your questions about how to get safe drinking water in your home.

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